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Join us at Badminton Horse Trials...
Join us at Badminton Horse Trials...
Join us at Badminton Horse Trials...

We look forward to seeing you all at Badminton Horse Trials 3rd to 7th May!
We will be on stand 174 Swangrove Street.

Please join us for a drink, pick up our new riding guide and enter our amazing competition to win a riding safari for two to Motswiri in the Okavango Delta.

  Pick up our new riding guide

With the help of our sister company Cheval d'Aventure, we have selected almost 30 rides through the beautiful French countryside. Enjoy everything France has to offer and ride through enchanting villages, unspoiled woodland and canter along beautiful beaches. Enjoy the best local foods and wines with leisurely lunches and sumptuous picnics.

Learn more or book this trip
  Bostwana : riding with Karim Laghouag, the french eventer, in the Okavango delta
Karim laghouag in the okavango delta
  UNITED-STATES : A ranch experienced in Wyoming
ranch in usa
  Mongolia : Khentii - Riding the steppes
Mongolia on horseback
  Morocco : trail riding in the Sahara desert
horseback in morocco
  Click here to visit Equus Journeys' website Fingerpost Cottage, Hopton Wafers, Shropshire, DY14 0NA, UK
Tel. +44 (0) 1905 388977
Request your copy of Equus Journeys Horseback Travel Guide for free  
ABTOT : Association of Bonded Travel Organisers Trust   Riding Holidays 100% Financially Protected
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